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Pete Christy is the Sports Director for KCBD NewsChannel 11 in Lubbock, Texas. Jump to.

We are located in Lubbock, TX and serve communitie SPORTS: Staying active with social distancing Be sure to submit your videos to the KCBD sports team Facebook pages or Twitter. Devin Ward, Ronald Clark, and Pete Christy can’t wait to share with the world, the things that you’ve managed Pete Christy KCBD - Home | Facebook Pete Christy KCBD. 33K likes. Pete Christy is the Sports Director for KCBD NewsChannel 11 in Lubbock, Texas.

19 Jan 2015 Keys told NBC station KCBD of Lubbock that he hasn't spent a penny since Brilliant http://t.co/GP9smGp5Rb” pic.twitter.com/R64Z42RGoe.

We celebrated the national launch of the program and welcomed several important people to the party including Chancellor Robert Duncan, Provost Lawrence Schovanec, Dean David Perlmutter and more Teenager dies from cellphone dropped in bathtub - KRQE News 13 Sports. Local Sports; High School Sports Teenager dies from cellphone dropped in bathtub News. Posted: The family tells KRQE News 13 that 14-year-old Madison Coe’s Samsung Edge Plus fell Couple celebrates 62nd anniversary at Whataburger Jul 09, 2019 · A Texas couple celebrated their 62nd anniversary at a place they say is as loyal to them as they are to each other: Whataburger. Lubbock TV reporter charged in hit-and-run in station ...

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It was a good learning experience but the pay was a little low considering the responsibility that I had. 12 hour shift that required you to not leave your post due to being the only one on the clock. Blake Brodie KCBD - Home | Facebook Blake Brodie KCBD. 400 likes · 1 talking about this. Blake Brodie keeps up with sports in Lubbock and across the South Plains for KCBD NewsChannel 11. Jump to. Sections of this page.

12 hour shift that required you to not leave your post due to being the only one on the clock. Blake Brodie KCBD - Home | Facebook Blake Brodie KCBD. 400 likes · 1 talking about this. Blake Brodie keeps up with sports in Lubbock and across the South Plains for KCBD NewsChannel 11.

(CNN) — A multi-vehicle pileup in Texas on Friday was partially captured in a dramatic video of an 18-wheel tractor-trailer slamming into the accident scene. The accident began as a two-car c… KCBD-TV | JEM Notes Posts about KCBD-TV written by tchambersttu.

Lubbock police say 27-year-old  News for Monday, March 23, 2020 | Ellington Clark Fork Valley Press.

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Jan 28, 2020 · The announcement about O’Brien’s additional title did not settle well with many Texans fans on Twitter who are less than happy with the coach’s performance. Following are a few examples of their beautifully sarcastic chagrin. — Depressed Houston Sports Fan (@swaggypsays) January 28, 2020. KCBD Staff. Published April 4, 2020 at 2 KCBD TV-11: Sheffield out vs.

LinkedIn. Are you a journalist? Create a free Muck Rack account to customize your profile and Working at KCBD Television | Glassdoor Jul 09, 2013 · Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at KCBD Television, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This is the KCBD Television company profile.

KCBD-TV Sports Director/ Journalist.